The Origins of Halloween: A Time for Psychic Awakening
Halloween isn’t just about costumes, candy, and carving pumpkins - it’s also when the veil between the living and spirit world gets thinner than your willpower around chocolate.
This makes it one of the most powerful times of the year to awaken your psychic gifts.
Halloween & Samhain: Exploring the Thinnest Veil Between Worlds

Halloween isn’t just about costumes, candy, and carving pumpkins - it’s also when the veil between the living and spirit world gets thinner than your willpower around chocolate.
This makes it one of the most powerful times of the year to awaken your psychic gifts.
Halloween is not just about costumes, spooky decorations, and a sugar rush—it’s also a deeply spiritual time when the energy around us shifts in profound ways. For many, Halloween is known as the time when the veil between our world and the spirit world is at its thinnest, creating an opportunity to connect with those who have passed on, and to honor ancient traditions. In this blog post, we’ll explore why Halloween, or Samhain, is such a magical time, how you can tap into this energy, and why understanding the concept of the thinning veil can be a transformative part of your spiritual journey.
So, brew yourself a cozy mug of mulled wine, light some candles, and settle in as we dive deep into the magic of Samhain and the secrets of the thinning veil.
What Is the Thinning Veil?
You’ve probably heard people talk about the “veil between worlds,” but what exactly does that mean? In spiritual terms, the veil is a metaphoric boundary that separates our physical reality from the spirit realm. For most of the year, this boundary is relatively sturdy, allowing our focus to remain firmly on the physical aspects of daily life. But around Halloween—traditionally celebrated as Samhain by the Celts—this boundary becomes thin, allowing the spiritual and physical worlds to interact more easily.
Think of it like a misty curtain. For most of the year, the curtain is thick, keeping the two worlds separate. But as October ends and November begins, that curtain thins out, becoming almost transparent, allowing a magical interplay between realms. It’s a time when spirits are believed to roam more freely, and when we can more easily sense and interact with energies that aren’t typically accessible.
The Origins of Samhain and Halloween
Let’s rewind to where it all began: Halloween, with all its modern-day costumes, candy, and haunted houses, has its origins in the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced "Sow-en"). Dating back over 2,000 years, the Celts celebrated Samhain, marking the end of the harvest and the start of winter—a time when the boundary between our world and the spirit world was a little… porous. People believed that on this night, the spirits of the dead could more easily slip through, mingle with the living, and maybe even crash a bonfire or two.
The Celts believed that on the night of Samhain, the boundary between the world of the living and the spirit world became incredibly thin...thin enough that spirits of the dead could cross over and walk among the living. They saw it as a time of heightened spiritual energy, where communication with ancestors and spirits was not only possible but encouraged. It wasn’t all spooky encounters, though—this thinning of the veil also provided an opportunity for divination, psychic insights, and honouring loved ones who had passed.
Bonfires were lit to ward off malevolent spirits, and food offerings were left out to appease the roaming souls. In a sense, it was a night of great reverence, fear, and celebration all rolled into one—a sacred time when the mysteries of life, death, and the spirit world were honoured.
Samhain (pronounced sow-in) is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. It’s one of the four major Gaelic seasonal festivals, alongside Imbolc, Beltane, and Lughnasadh. Samhain represents a time of transition—from the bright, busy days of harvest to the dark, introspective days of winter. This liminal period, this “in-between,” is part of what makes Samhain such a spiritually powerful time.
Ancient Celts believed that as nature began its descent into dormancy, the boundary between the living and the dead became blurred. This was partly due to the agricultural calendar; the harvest was over, the fields were bare, and the starkness of the season served as a reminder of life’s cycles—birth, death, and rebirth. It was a time to honor the spirits of ancestors, make offerings, and protect against any malevolent energies that might come through.
Many of the traditions we associate with modern Halloween—costumes, bonfires, and even trick-or-treating—are rooted in Samhain practices. Dressing up, or “mumming,” was originally done to confuse or ward off roaming spirits, while bonfires were lit to guide the spirits of ancestors and keep away harmful entities. The practice of carving jack-o'-lanterns, which originated with turnips before pumpkins took over in America, also stems from this period. The carved faces were meant to ward off evil spirits, and the glowing lanterns served as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, light persists.
Why Is Halloween So Spiritually Potent?
Halloween isn’t just spooky—it’s profoundly mystical. The thinning of the veil isn’t an abstract concept; it’s something that you can truly feel if you tune in. There’s a kind of electric charge in the air as we get closer to October 31st. Even people who don’t consider themselves “spiritual” often sense that there’s something different about Halloween. It’s a time when the unseen becomes seen, and when our senses are heightened.
The spiritual potency of Halloween also has a lot to do with the idea of liminality—a threshold between two states. Halloween is a liminal time between the living and the dead, light and dark, autumn and winter. When we stand at thresholds, we are in both places at once and neither place fully. This makes it a powerful moment to reflect, release what no longer serves us, and invite in the magic of transformation.
Connecting with the Spirit World During Samhain
The spiritual significance of Samhain goes beyond just the harvest; it was also a way to honour those who had passed, whether they were your ancestors or a slightly mischievous spirit hanging around your local pub. Because the veil between worlds was so thin, this night was seen as a time of heightened spiritual activity, where communication with spirits was not only possible but encouraged.
Fast forward to modern-day Halloween, where we’ve traded in bonfires and ancestor offerings for trick-or-treating and fake cobwebs. The thinning of the veil is still very much real. Halloween’s energy makes it the ideal time to tune into your intuition and flex those psychic muscles.
If you’ve ever felt a sense of magic in the air during Halloween, you’ve probably experienced the energy of the thinning veil. This is a perfect time to connect with the spirit world and honor those who have passed. Here are some of the ways you can make the most of this energy:
1. Create an Ancestral Altar
Setting up an ancestral altar is a beautiful and meaningful way to honor your loved ones. This doesn’t have to be anything elaborate—a small table or shelf will do. Decorate it with photos of loved ones who have passed, mementos that remind you of them, and items they enjoyed. Light candles to invite their presence and show that you’re open to their energy.
The idea here is to create a space where you can focus your thoughts and emotions, allowing your connection with the past to flourish. An ancestral altar is a gentle invitation for the spirits of loved ones to come through, reminding us that although they have left the physical world, they are still very much with us.
2. Use Divination Tools
Samhain is an excellent time for divination. Whether you prefer tarot cards, runes, or scrying, the heightened energy of this time can make your readings more powerful and accurate. If you’ve never tried tarot before, consider using a simple spread that focuses on the themes of endings and beginnings. Ask questions like, What do I need to release as we head into winter? or What wisdom do my ancestors have for me?
One classic Samhain tradition involves apple divination. Apples have long been associated with magic and the otherworld. You can try peeling an apple in one long strip and throwing it over your shoulder—the shape it forms is said to reveal the initial of your future spouse. It’s all in good fun, but this playful approach helps us stay open to the messages from beyond.
3. Meditation and Spirit Journeying
Meditation can be incredibly effective during Halloween. Imagine yourself walking through a misty forest at twilight, eventually coming across a bridge that links our world to the spirit realm. Visualize yourself crossing the bridge, feeling the atmosphere change, and being open to the messages you may receive.
Spirit journeying is another way to connect. Settle into a meditative state and visualize a landscape that represents the spirit world for you. Walk through it, observe, and listen. You may receive messages from guides, ancestors, or even symbols that help you understand where you are in your journey.
4. Spirit Communication
If you feel called to communicate more directly with the spirit world, consider doing so in a safe and mindful way. You might use a pendulum, an ouija board (with caution!), or connect through automatic writing. However, it’s essential to create a safe environment. Always start by grounding yourself and setting an intention to only communicate with benevolent energies.
A simple and less intense method is to light a candle in a quiet space and invite any loving spirits who may want to communicate to join you. Pay attention to flickering candlelight, sudden chills, or images that come to mind.
Psychic Safety During the Thinnest Veil
With all that psychic energy swirling around on Halloween, it’s important to practice a little psychic safety—and I will die on this hill. I say no to clients who 'ha ha' their psychic stuff, 'cuz we don't mess with this. Negative spirit attachments are real, people can and do get 'possessed,' and why? Some knobhead took a Ouija Board into the woods with a couple of tinnies and did it for the laughs, before promptly getting their ass handed to them from a poltergeist because they were easy, psychically unsafe pickings. Think bully in a playground, and a vulnerable child.
While we’re all about developing our intuitive and psychic skills, no one wants an energy hangover, or a daemon in their airing cupboard now, do we? So let's do it safely, respectfully, and sensibly!
While connecting with the spirit realm can be a beautiful and enlightening experience, it’s important to approach it with care. Just like you wouldn’t leave your front door open to anyone, you don’t want to leave your energy open to any spirit that wants to wander in.
Grounding Techniques
Before you dive into any spiritual practice, take a moment to ground yourself. Grounding means anchoring your energy, making sure you stay connected to the Earth while you explore other realms. One simple grounding technique is to visualize roots growing from your feet into the Earth, keeping you steady and strong no matter how far your spiritual journey takes you.
Set Boundaries
Think of boundaries as the equivalent of locking your front door. Set an intention for your practice by saying aloud, I invite only energies of the highest good. This way, you’re making it clear that you’re not open to lower, negative vibrations. You can also use protective crystals like black tourmaline or obsidian, or imagine a bubble of white light surrounding you.
Listen to Your Intuition
If something feels off, take a break. This is the time when people are more susceptible to picking up energies that might be overwhelming. Pay attention to your feelings, and if at any point you’re uncomfortable, stop what you’re doing, ground yourself, and reassert your boundaries.
The Origins of Jack-o'-Lanterns
So while you might be carving pumpkins or donning a costume, remember that Halloween’s roots run deep in the mystical and the psychic. It’s not just a night of spooks and scares—it’s a powerful time to connect with the spirit world, honour the unseen, and awaken your intuitive gifts.
No Halloween post would be complete without mentioning the jack-o'-lantern! This well-loved symbol of the season has its roots in Samhain. Originally, people in Ireland and Scotland carved grotesque faces into turnips to scare away harmful spirits. The practice was brought to America, where the much larger and softer pumpkin became the canvas of choice.
These carved, glowing lanterns were meant to ward off malevolent spirits and guide the way for loved ones who had passed. Nowadays, jack-o'-lanterns are a staple of Halloween, but their origins are a reminder that this time of year is about honoring light amid the darkness.
Trick-or-Treating and Mumming
Modern trick-or-treating also has its roots in Samhain traditions. The practice of disguising oneself in costumes, known as "mumming," was originally done to ward off or blend in with spirits that might cross over during the thinning veil. People would go door to door, singing verses in exchange for food—an early version of what eventually became trick-or-treating. The costumes were meant to confuse or scare away any mischievous spirits, and the treats were a way to appease them.
Samhain Rituals to Celebrate the Season
Feeling inspired to celebrate Samhain in your own way? Here are some rituals and practices you can do to make the most of this magical time:
1. Jump the Bonfire
In ancient times, people would build large bonfires on Samhain night. The flames represented the sun, and people would jump over the fires to bring good fortune, cleanse themselves of negativity, and ensure protection through the coming winter months. While we might not all have access to a full bonfire, lighting a candle or even a small fire pit can be a symbolic way to connect with this energy.
2. Write and Burn Release Lists
Samhain is all about the end of cycles, making it a perfect time for release work. Write down anything you’re ready to let go of—old habits, fears, limiting beliefs. Once you’re done, safely burn the paper as a symbolic act of letting go. This act clears energetic space, making way for new beginnings.
3. Hold a Dumb Supper
A “dumb supper” is a meal eaten in silence, often with a place set for deceased loved ones. It’s a beautiful way to honor your ancestors and invite their presence into your home. Take a moment to reflect on the connections you share, the lessons they taught you, and the ways in which they still influence your life.
4. Apple Bobbing
Apple bobbing has its roots in divination, and it can still be used in a playful spiritual practice today. Each apple can represent a question or desire—if you’re able to catch it with your teeth, it’s said that what you seek will come to you. This is all about tapping into your intuition and seeing what surprises the universe has in store.
5. Light a Candle and Reflect
If you’re not into big rituals, simply lighting a candle in honor of the season and spending time in reflection is more than enough. Ask yourself what cycles in your life need to end, and what you’re ready to invite in. Take time to sit with your thoughts and allow the quiet wisdom of the thinning veil to speak to you.
Embracing the Darkness
During Halloween, when spiritual energy is buzzing like a giant cosmic power grid, these psychic skills become even more potent. It’s the perfect training ground for your intuitive abilities—whether you’re just starting to tune in or looking to level up. You might experience flashes of insight, visions, or a deeper connection to the subtle energies around you. Halloween’s the perfect time to embrace your inner psychic superhero skills.
One of the reasons Samhain is so special is that it gives us the opportunity to embrace the darkness. The world around us is entering a resting phase, and we’re invited to do the same. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, we’re given space to slow down, reflect, and reconnect with our inner world.
The darkness isn’t something to fear—it’s a time for introspection, for going inward and discovering our own inner magic. Samhain is the perfect moment to pause and honor the cycles of nature, to reflect on what has passed, and to prepare for what’s to come. The thinning veil serves as a reminder that we’re always connected to those who came before us, and that the magic we seek is already within us.
Want to learn more?
Want to take your psychic abilities to the next level? Check out my Psychic Skills 101 course, which has been designed to lead you on a 21-day learning journey to understand wtf these skills are all about - but also how to connect with them, and use them; safely, of course!
Whether you’re just starting out or ready to level up, I’ve got the tools to help you harness your inner psychic superpower.
Whether it's messages from the spirit realm, guidance on your journey, or just the answers you've been seeking—I'm here to help, and to answer any questions that you may have. No judgement, just kindess and morbid curiosity this end of the internet ❤️
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